Friday, September 2, 2011

Living in the concrete jungle...

Is amazing.

Life is incredible. Taxi cab drivers are crazy. And there is a coffee shop on every city block. Yesterday, we had our "Presidential Welcome" at the Beacon Theatre, and guess what NYU alumnus was there to welcome us? Alec Baldwin. And some amazing Tisch students performed some great musical numbers about life at NYU. Washington Square is beautiful. I cannot wait for winter.

My roommates are all really awesome and fun to be with. My two roommates are from Jersey, so they know their way around really well, which is helpful. Haha. And I have two suitemates: one from Indonesia, and one from LA. The people on my floor are also very friendly, and my RA is absolutely amazing. She's so chill and fun. I've also met almost every freshman in the vocal performance program, since there are only about 29 of us, I think.

The view from our window.
The thing that I love most is the plethora of restaurants. There is every type of food imaginable. And I've become a fan of the restaurants on campus that take Dining Dollars. Yay! 

I've been placed in Dr. Speiser's vocal studio, and I'm really excited to begin lessons. Classes start on Tuesday, and I'm getting really antsy to start. I love the free time I have now, but I really want routine to kick in. And I want to stop looking like a lost freshman. Every time I pull out my map I feel branded. 

I still can't begin to express how much I love it here. I love having people to sing musical theatre with on the sidewalk, and people that understand why you don't listen to pop music. I love that every building towers over me. I love the business and excitement of the city. 

Sending my love back home. 


  1. Life seems amazing! I'm so excited for you! :)

  2. I'm so so SO happy for you Emily!! I'm super excited that you are meeting wonderful people & enjoying the city! I miss you & love you dearly!!

  3. It's exciting to be (at least a little) with you on your incredible journey! Save up for those times when you feel discouraged - at those times, the clouds are merely shadowing the brilliance that the future will hold for you!

    If anyone belonged in the heartbeat of the art and culture of our world, you do!! We're all here missing you and cheering you on! When you succeed, we get to share that and live vicariously through you, and when you struggle - don't forget we're right there alongside you then too!


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