Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Right Around the Corner...

I did say this blog was about my upcoming college life, so I suppose that means I should mention the exciting things that await me when I arrive in New York City. Aside from Brittany Residence Hall, which is calling my name, and the beautiful city, I have oodles of music classes and voice lessons! This means that any spare time I have will be spent in a practice room, rehearsing foreign languages and memorizing arias. As such, I can't guarantee regular blog posts. Yesterday, I received an e-mail that invited me to be in the Freshman Honors Program at NYU, which allows me to attend weekly seminars themed around a chosen topic of interest. I am also able to enroll in a seminar class, (if there is room in my schedule), learn to objectively analyze topics for oral and written debate, AND travel abroad in January. The seminar classes range from The role of Jewish women in European history to drama criticism or the history of Irish America. If you want to look at the list, it can be found here:

Hello, Times Square.
The opportunity provides extra academic commitment and rigorous classes. I am thrilled! I will be certain to blog about the experiences that I have in the program. To top it off, I'm in the Artists in Development explorations floor, where we will be examining and discussing the various art forms in the city, as we learn more about art. It sounds like a busy freshman year already; but I'm hoping to find some extra time to spend with my wonderful sister and to explore the city. I'm also throwing in a picture for good measure. (This is my favorite picture that I took in New York.)

With almost a month left, I have begun packing my belongings, and labeling boxes. I never realized how much stuff I had before it was time to move. I wanted to get rid of more than I have, but there are a few things I haven't been able to let go of yet. I also bought bedding for my dorm (I'll post a picture soon); and some towels! It's not practical to buy most of my things in Idaho. While they may be slightly cheaper here, I have no room to transport them across the country. I'm already checking too much luggage! I've slowly whittled down the books I want to take and I have yet to determine the amount of pictures I'll be bringing along. Overall, I am extremely excited.

Official NY count: 37 days

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