Sunday, October 2, 2011


Fall is right around the corner. Today finally cooled off after it rained, for which I'm so grateful. It has been so muggy, I never know how to plan my outfits. Now I can look forward to boots and sweaters. I just want crunchy fall leaves. I'm also training for work this week! I got a job at Anthropologie, my favorite clothing store. :) 

We're moving into 30's style dances this week for dance, so we started doing tango-esque things. Things have finally become settled, and classes are in full swing. Lessons are going very well, and we've chosen my piece for New Student Cabaret. On Friday night, I went to see Sweet Smell of Success, the Steinhardt school (my school) musical, and it was absolutely incredible. It's all vocal performance. The show was so great, and all the songs have been stuck in my head all weekend. Afterward, we grabbed coffee and headed to Lauren's dorm room and ordered Insomnia cookies, which are the best cookies in the city. It was pouring rain, so it was the best way to spend the evening. The next day, I spent the morning chatting on the phone with Mauri!! I miss her so much. It turns out that neither one of us is actually going home for Christmas... Later on in the day, Lauren and I checked out Trader Joe's and Whole Foods and bought some food (yay grocery shopping!).

This weekend was fairly uneventful. Today I spent the morning in Brooklyn with Mary. We went to church, which was incredible, and then grabbed brunch at Sidecar. This afternoon, Lauren, Curtis, Joe and I had to record "If Music Be the Food of Love" as a quartet for an assignment for choir. We spent more time belting music theater songs in the practice room than actually recording... and it took like 8 different tries to record the last 5 measures of the song because we couldn't stop laughing. Then we went to Crumbs bakery. It was my first time trying their cupcakes. They had a dairy free cupcake that made one Emily very, very happy. Right now I'm finishing the other half of my cupcake with the coffee I've made with my french press! Apparently, two of my friends from home have written me letters, and neither one of them have reached me yet. I'm beginning to think the security guards in my apartment are stealing my mail.

Sorry that the photos are rather uneventful... I didn't do anything very picture-worthy this week. The rain was gorgeous, but I can't capture that very well on my phone camera. We're hoping to snag the Ticket Central tickets for "How to Succeed" this week. And! No judgment, but I listened to "Wicked" for the first time ever this week. Thank you, Lauren, for burning me a copy of the CD. This musical is the epitome of good music theater. It's rather exciting.

I've procrastinated my music theory and Italian diction homework about as long as I possibly can, so I apologize for the rather short blog post. Next weekend, I'll have a lot more to share. AND! Be on the lookout for my mid-week post. I'm featuring a wonderful guest-blogger that I hope to share on Wednesday. Keep your eyes open!

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead." -Louisa May Alcott

Official Inheritance Count: 36 days.

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