Sunday, October 23, 2011

Short but sweet.

I had the most beautiful weekend. The weather has been perfectly fall. I bought a poncho from Anthro the other day, and it's become my fall staple. It's so warm and cozy, I love it. The leaves are just barely starting to change, but we're finally experiencing 50(ish) degree weather.

Friday was national pumpkin cheesecake day. In honor, Crumbs bakery was selling pumpkin cupcakes for only $2. Mmm... The batter was pumpkin with raisins, chocolate chips and walnuts, and it was topped with pumpkin cream cheese frosting, drizzled with chocolate and sprinkled with walnuts on top. It was beautiful and absolutely scrumptious.

I met some friends for brunch on Saturday. We went to the Corner Shop Cafe, which was absolutely amazing. The food was relatively affordable and the place was really cute. Their creme brulee dipped french toast is to die for. Ben ordered it. I was super jealous. Mmm. I tried the organic blueberry pancakes, also really good. It was a very relaxing way to spend the early Saturday afternoon. I've worked all weekend, so I have no exciting events to talk about. I started Christmas shopping this week! That's right. I can't wait. I'm going to start reading Wuthering Heights. I'll keep my thoughts posted as I read. But Inheritance is just around the corner, and it takes precedence, so dear Emily Bronte will probably be put on the back burner for a little while... 

Thinking of Idaho,


Official Inheritance Count: 15 days.

1 comment:

  1. Emily this is so cute and so nice that you blog. I often wonder what you are up to out there and I love to read it. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. :)


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