Thursday, May 17, 2012

Chasing rainbows.

I'm home! Well... not right now. I mean, I'm actually sitting in the middle of a coffee shop. There's nothing like the atmosphere of a coffee shop for artistic inspiration. Forgive me if this post ends up being short and sweet, I'm sure I'll have much more to say in a week's time! It is so good to be back in the land of potatoes, where laundry is free, toilet paper is soft, and coffee is cheap! :) I do miss New York (I've already started a countdown), but I look forward to the precious moments ahead of me this summer.

I'm writing a book! It's quite a daunting prospect, but it's a challenge I'm welcoming with open arms. If it fails, then I'm all the better for it. And it's a perfect summer project. Along with reading the Game of Thrones series. I'm drowning in words.

I arrived home last night to a joyous smothering of little people hugs and kisses. The nieces and nephew were waiting on the porch steps when we pulled into the driveway, and it couldn't have been more precious. :) I spent the evening settling in and spending time with the family. And it seemed like Idaho was happy to have me home, too, for it greeted me with this! A beautiful, yet brief, lightning storm and rainbow.

Thank you all for reading my blog! I want to encourage you to follow me, and I want to remind you that I have an awesome "follow by email" option. It sends you my posts via e-mail! That way, if you're not on Facebook, or you don't always see my link, you can get an awesome e-mail each time I post. It won't spam you or send you anything other than my post. I'm subscribed to a couple blogs I follow by e-mail, and it's a really handy feature. I'm so happy to be home, and will continue to blog through the summer, so stay tuned!

I came home to you! ♥

All my love,

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