Sunday, October 16, 2011


I saw the cutest older couple walking down the street today. They were clearly 'just on a walk', in sports jackets and walking shoes. I was reminded of my neighbors from back home, the Berrys. They always generously shared their harvest from their garden. I remember coming home to find a bag of cucumbers and squash on our front step. The couple on the street today stood out to me in the most ordinary way possible. There was nothing extravagant about them. They were just on a walk, together. Their company and partnership said much more than they intended. It was pleasing and oddly comforting. By being simply ordinary, they were being extremely abnormal. They weren't in a rush to get somewhere. They had no appointment to meet. They weren't in business suits, or on the phone. They were simply walking, sharing that moment - with each other.

Sorry to disappoint, but there were no shows this weekend. The post I sent out on Tuesday possibly could've been broken into several different categories, each with posts of their own. So this may be short. My busy weekend was spent working for the most part. I absolutely love work. This weekend I was offered a spot on the apparel team. :) We rehearsed for Dr. Horrible on Saturday. My floor is putting on Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. I'm Penny. We're really excited and really disorganized. But overall, it's coming along. I chatted with Mauri for about 20 minutes on the phone, but I had to run to rehearsal. We've both been so busy - she just got back from Scotland, and I haven't heard all her adventures yet.

The couple from the street have remained on my mind all day. I don't know why, but I think of them and half-smile. I enjoy walking down the street and meeting the eyes of those that pass. There is so much to be said in someone's eyes. Fear. Loneliness. Joy. Hope. These glimpses provide me with the smallest insight into someone else's world. A world so different at times, I can't even hope to understand. But I believe that these moments happen in order to weave the connecting thread of our diversity. In the loosely paraphrased words of my dear friend, Ben - we are meant to share moments. And no moment is invaluable. Moments of joy, sadness, love, silliness and truth in a way steer our lives. They shape who we are and who we influence. And that couple, unknowingly, influenced me today. It was... lovely.

"We just were, and didn't question it."

Official Inheritance Count: 22 days.

1 comment:

  1. Emily. I love reading your blog. I'm so glad New York life is suiting you so well. Love and miss you so much!


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