Saturday, June 2, 2012

Some ponderings since being home...

Idaho Falls is a relatively small town. I say relatively, because we have a fairly decent population size, yet in relation to any large metropolitan area, we are by comparison, quite small.  These past two weeks have been a constant reminder of how small of a town it truly is - everyone seems to know everyone. It's always at the most inconvenient times that I run into someone I know. You'd think that I would at least be wearing makeup during this chance meetings. Nope. The other night my nephew graduated from high school. It was a very interesting moment. Revisiting my high school was a crazy reminder of my past and how many things I didn't want to remember, and a strange and sweet reminder of the beautiful memories that I did want to remember. Sitting in the gym in which I graduated, I could only hear the echoes of my thoughts: "It all has come full circle".

The phrase "come full circle" was thought to have been coined somewhere around 1878, However, Shakespeare's use of the phrase in his famous tragedy, King Lear, "The wheel has come full circle" was the first written introduction of this concept in the 1600s. A concept that is most interesting, because it depicts that the wheel had completed its cycle, and yet only ended up where it began. It is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a series of developments that lead back to the original source, position, or situation or to a complete reversal of the original position". I remember my first month of school, during my vocal production class I came in contact with this lovely phrase. We were in the classroom in which I auditioned for NYU. My professor kind of chuckled and said, "Ah yes. This room. Everything comes full circle, doesn't it?" And being at Skyline, revisiting those "hallowed" halls, being overwhelmed with a sickening sense of nostalgia, the phrase "come full circle" couldn't have been more pertinent.

But this realization was very encouraging because I was able to reflect on an incredible year. I don't feel like I've returned to the original position. Rather, I feel as though I'm tracing a spiral. I'm at a new point, right across from last year. You can see the other side, but you're not there, you're just slightly removed, infinitely cycling around. And it's unbelievable when I reflect on where I've been, what I've seen, and how much I've learned. A very dear friend once gave me an Idaho postcard that said, "Never forget where you came from". I couldn't if I tried, and I'm so excited to see what else is in store!

Upon coming home, I have realized several things about myself.

I need to stop starting new books. I think I'm on book #4 now, and I'm only halfway through Game of Thrones. I just don't know how else to make it through my huge summer reading list.

Idaho is dry. Very dry. After my 193rd glass of water yesterday and my 70th chapstick application, I just about threw in the towel.

I love not paying for laundry, toilet paper, food, and cleaning supplies.

Eggs make me sick. No wonder I don't eat them. Blech.

I've missed Mauri Green sooooo much.

I need to go to Europe.

I hate driving.

In addition, I've realized...

There is not enough time in the day. There never is.

Pinterest is addicting, and completely destroys your planned-for-years wedding ideas that you previously thought were so great. Now I have to plan everything all over again.

All my dearest love,

Em ♥